Thank you so much Laura for all these details. The fact that so many Iowans believe even 12 year olds should be forced to bring forth babies is just astounding to me .

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I suspect that very few Iowans would agree with that statement. But the Republican legislators like to cater to their base.

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Laura, Are you suggesting that this bill has some planned obsolescence? some aspects of overkill built in?

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I didn't mean that exactly--I just meant nothing about this ban is designed to appeal to a broad spectrum of Iowans. This is what the social conservative base of the Iowa GOP demands.

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So we have 30-35% rule in Iowa? I keep wondering where all of us who are basically non-party actually come down on this crucial issue. Do you have a sense that the Democratic Party can sway independents enough to bring the pendulum back closer to center?

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Please consider joining a party. Give input, attend their meetings when you can, vote in the primaries. Convince others you know who are "no-party" to join. You can still vote for whomever you want, but it gives you some options to be heard that you do not have now.

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I am curious what Democrats find so valuable about caucuses. Do you or Laura Belin have comments on that? Is it the pep rally feel, the face to face nature? I have never felt that I persuaded anyone to change his/her mind at a caucus. Actual serious debate doesn’t happen. So what is wrong with just letting it be a primary, and an open primary at that?

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Julie- I always vote and always encourage others to vote, but the two parties who count seem to have forgotten the one-third of us who are not extremists or activists. I think that is a huge problem for the country.

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Julie: I join when I want to caucus or vote in primaries , then I unjoin because I don’t like being bombarded with ridiculous campaign mail and email. (Don’t watch TV so I don’t think about the $ wasted on campaign ads, which is an obscene amount.)

I still wish we had an open primary system as WI does or did. People should be able to cross party lines in primaries.

I normally caucus with Democrats and have campaigned locally. But the caucus rules are far too complex. I know this from having tried to explain the intricacies at the caucus. It is nuts!! Why the Iowa Democrats won’t switch from the caucus system to a primary truly puzzles me.

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I hope you are right. But I think that base has way more power than we realize…. and is just getting started.

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Great read. I saw you hard at work in the press box on Tuesday. It was difficult to hear the horrible stories from victims and the cynical (could I say heartless!) responses following from the Republican legislators.

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Thank you. Details amiss in this legislative mistake. Physician standards of safe practice and women's rights compromised beyond measure.

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Someday maybe the open primary!! I think that encourages more voters. But as you say, fear-mongers seem to hate participation.

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This ban does not ban abortions, it bans safe abortions. Desperate women will still try to do self-abortions in all sorts of dangerous ways. It also opens the door for people with no medical training to perform abortions, again, in unsafe ways. This often leads to death, infections and/or permanent inability for the woman to have children.

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Congratulations Iowa on saving the lives of our future citizens and mental health of women who are forced into having abortions.

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You failed to mention the names of the Democrats who failed to vote. Who were they and did they have valid reasons for not attending/voting or was it to duck the issue? If it was avoidance it should be made known.

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The Democrats who were not present were Josh Turek, Lindsay James, JD Scholten, and Sharon Steckman. All are on record supporting abortion rights so I am confident they weren't trying to dodge a vote. One of the other House Democrats said Josh Turek has been recovering from an illness.

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