This is such an important piece, Laura. Senator Grassley has become nothing more than a liar. I can’t fathom why, but it is so clearly true. He has lost his compass. Iowans deserve so much more from our representatives. Thank you for continuing your fearless reporting of the truth.

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I agree, but do remember Grassley lost his moral compass long ago when he argued vociferously against Obama appointing Merrick Garland to the SCOTUS because it was an election year. Then he turned right around and approved a Trump judge immediately before Election Day in 2020. Awful hypocrisy.

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Yes, of course. I agree.

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Awesome work, Laura! There's so much that Iowans could do with this, in a different time. But considering more than half of Iowa voters now live in an alternative FOX-INFUSED universe, our 90+ moldy senator would likely get reelected if the election were held today.

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And Too bad Grassley’s constituents haven’t held Grassley accountable for bringing lies about the president. Thank you for this column.

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If Trump can sue DSM Register & Selzer for “election interference,” it seems logical that Harris could sue Grassley for the same rationale?

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Great article, Laura. Chuck Grassley use to be a politician that would work across the isles to help enact laws for the common good of all citizens. With the dawning of Donald Trump, Chuck Grassley has appeared to have lost his moral compass. Chuck Grassley stoked the fires with a vengeance to find a kernel to smear the Biden family. I wonder if Chuck Grassley and his compadres in the U.S. Senate will use that same investigative energy to look into some of the money transactions the Trump family has been involved with. Both in office and as a private citizen leading up to re-election for POTUS. My beliefs, Chuck Grassley a farmer at heart, will pull out the bushel basket of crickets.

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Bravo! His braggadocio about his longstanding historic efforts regarding nursing home care is also a big facade.

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Dean, I would like to talk with you about that sometime.

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Laura: Please contact me to discuss this: https://www.grassley.senate.gov/news/news-releases/qanda-private-equitys-harmful-impact-on-patient-care

and other things, especially AG Bird's Northern District of Iowa case seeking the elimination of the Biden Administration's minimum standards staffing rule.

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Such incredibly important reporting that's valuable to Iowa residents as well as national taxpayers --who care about how time and money is spent, how elected officials behave and who is held accountable.

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the complicit corporate media has done little as well...

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This is a terrific story, Laura! Great journalism!

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Here is a very sad tale of how power corrupts. How a folksy farmer with charm and luck packs his pocketbook and multi million dollar business portfolio while chugging along to meet with his rural roots fandom and 99 county charade.

The common denominator for Senator Grassley is his paucity for accountability, integrity, thoughtfulness and simple political ambitions. So many examples: denying the 2020 Presidential election, sighting “Voter Irregularities “, voting against the Jan. 6th 2021 impeachment, voting against the Russian/Ukraine 2016 interference impeachment, waging a faux inquiry on the Hunter Biden laptop scandal.

Whatever the Iowan populace believes in (e.g. false prophet in President elect Trump), or refuses to believe in (e.g. the 2020 election), Grassley will play the rusty running, scowling farmer turned Senator role. Skeptical of climate change science and capable of showing his painfully obtuse political anglings in his opening statement for the Dec. 18th report US Senate Budget Committee, Grassley is a Republican gamer.

The question is when the government implodes and the environment continues to deteriorate, the economy tanks, government services are scrapped and security nets severed, what angle will Grassley take ? My guess is that he will pivot to denialism. His near and dear lock step, rank and file Republican lawmakers will be just fine. Their gold standard healthcare system will be there for him. Clearly being one of the senior most Senators has its perks. And that is the tragedy. The industrial farming complex will benefit the largest corporations and saturate the future of farming. And the rural communities that have fervently voted for Grassley will suffer the most.

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Thank you again for setting the record straight.Disgusting that Senator Grassley refuses to allow you the dignity of a response, or an audience at press conferences….

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Troubling that Gra$$ley would so easily take down Biden after both of their long tenures as senators. What made Gra$$ley go after Biden in such a vindictive manner?

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Grassley's become a Trump-like jerk, far different from the decent man he was in the past.

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Nice work, once again, Laura! Thank you. Grassley is an embarrassment.

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Good show, Chuck...you are the Man of Hour! Climb aboard that trump train...descend to gutter politics!

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It's sad to see decent people denigrate themselves in realty to Trump. Rudy Gulianni and Grassley were once highly respected leaders who now have shunned their good reputations to be in Trump's good graces. Grassley will soon learn that loyalty is a one way street with Trump.

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Thanks Laura for laying out Grassley's smears in detail. Sadly I doubt he'll ever come clean on this, but he should be regularly pestered with your good questions.

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Great work, Laura. Very much appreciate this straightforward and comprehensive account. Thank you.

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