Fascists demand absolute loyalty.

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Yes, they do.

And beyond ideology, I think Trump is more likely to be forgiving toward a male politician than a woman he perceives as disloyal.

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Laura‘s comments about Ernst are very enlightening and interesting about the whole political process. But the fact that JD Vance, a former major trump basher, was just picked for VP seems to contradict Laura‘s theory. JD must have done a huge, obsequious selling job.

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Others have written about Vance's transformation. It happened over a period of years. For one thing, he became very close to the billionaire Peter Thiel. He also bought into the 2020 election lie completely and criticized Pence for not trying to overturn that election.

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Curious what transactions are included in such a “selling job.”

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Im not sold that Ernst not getting a primo spot at RNC reflects Ernst being on the outs.

There were no shortage of star speakers who reflect the increasing diversity of the party , and the issues that Republicans care about most in this election .

Two that come to mind are Harmeet Dhillon and Shabbos Kestenbaum.

The GOP has rightfully so noticed that voters don’t want to see one more career politician or establishment or even establishment leaning Republican.

That said, im proud that Iowa is represented in the GOP, and I hope this continues.

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I think Trump is not quick to forgive people.

This morning, a reader flagged this post from February by Donald Trump, Jr (I hadn't seen it while writing my piece):


Senator @joniernst is another member of Senate GOP Leadership who voted to send billions to Ukraine.

She pretended to be a conservative to get elected, but she's just another RINO putting Ukraine First and America Last.

Maybe MAGA @MattWhitaker46 will run against her in 2026?

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