Laura - thank you so much for this comprehensive summary. We appreciate you so much. My husband and I are both voting early tomorrow, reviewing the entire ballot today. Thanks especially for the heads up about judges. Too many Iowans do not understand the retention vote, they never paid any attention until they were misinformed about the gay marriage issue. Will let you know what the auditor’s office in Des Moines County looked like tomorrow. Thanks again!!

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Just learned that the County Auditor doesn’t post sample ballots until the day early voting/absentee ballot is available, per Iowa Code.

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They can't mail the ballots until October 16. Maybe the auditor was confused about what you were asking?

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Does the Auditor have a webpage posting?? I live in a county where sample ballots are online. I am pulling off sample ballots for people as the ballot is two sided. I am a precinct worker. Once people see the ballot they often want to turn it in and come back another day. Please go prepared and informed to vote.

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I spoke to the Des Moines County auditor on the phone. She told me that the sample ballots will be posted tomorrow, per Iowa Code. What county are you located in? Are the sample ballots for 2024 presidential election available on your county auditor website?

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And just looked up Buena Vista County auditor, where sample ballots are posted already. Some confusion here.

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They also appear on Humboldt County Auditor's page today, 10-15-24.

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Last night around 8pm I checked the DM County Auditor page and the ballot was available. I’m assuming there was a lot going on and it was just posted later in the day. This morning I went to the courthouse and voted. It was 9 am. There were 12 people in the process of voting, and when I completed my vote there were 17 people in the hallway either filling out ballots or waiting in line for their absentee ballot request form. They had things very well organized, two additional windows open for voters to get the absentee ballot request form and fill it out, then plenty of spaces for private voting, both seated areas and standing areas.

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Just checked sample ballots for Polk County are online at the auditor's webpage. Google Polk County Iowa Elections and the site will come up. Precincts, polling sites and sample ballots for the specific precinct are online.

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