Many of us talk about the need to preserve justice in the judicial system. This essay preserves the fairness and best of journalism. This essay represented a balanced review of the two justices, an explanation of the little understood system for evaluation of justices and judges, and an effort to educate Iowans on key votes and writings, both in majority and dissent.

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Every attorney in Iowa should read this comprehensive assessment of the two justices up for retention.

I would much rather see the items rated at 90 percent or above. However, given some of the cases before the court I agree with you that a higher than average proportion of respondents might have possessed their biases of their own. Some of the case rulings bothered me but I’m not qualified to evaluate their fairness.

I’m a little concerned that failure to retain these justices could cause Reynolds to appoint some MAGA types to the court.

Thank you for this very informative article.

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