This is uplifting news for all Iowans!

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The ghosts of statehouse reporters past are smiling. ;-)

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That pesky constitution bit the House clerk in the ass.

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Thank You Laura for having the courage and strength to challenge

those that wish to operate above reproach and transparency.

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Congratulations! Thank you for your persistence and your defense of the public's right to know!

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Well, that’s what happens when you shine the light on dark dealings. The cowards scurry. Very very good news.

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Congratulations. Iowans are the real winners in this!

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Congratulations. When you stand up to the bullies sometimes you find out they’re not all that committed

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Yay! So glad to know. Unfortunate it took a lawsuit to propel action!

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Congratulations! Now we wonder how much taxpayer money has been spent trying to exclude you!

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Bravo Laura!

"Jefferson's idea of freedom of the press wasn't to have a bunch of political eunuchs running around." -- I.F. Stone

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This is very good news. The skeptics among us wonder what behind the scenes conversations and political motives led to such a rapid decision, and who was involved. But as you said, people of many persuasions

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respect you and your work, and count on you to provide honest, thorough, and credible reporting. Thank you.

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Well done, Laura. Your work and your decision to take this puzzling conduct to the courts, calling it what it is - a clear violation of free speech should be a model for journalists all across the country. This is how you defeat nonsense. Report it and challenge it!! Thank you.

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This is wonderful news, Laura! Congratulations! We are all the winners in this but it is your persistence in enlarging the free press ability to get the public the news we need to be responsible citizens. Hip, Hip, Hooray!

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Congratulations! Iowa wins!

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