What I think is concerning is you noting that the two republicans vying for district 51, but fail to mention that I am the democrat running for that district- you don’t even mention that anyone other than republicans are running for the seat!

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I apologize for the oversight. I did not realize you were running. Did you send me an announcement or news release at some point?

When I have a chance I will be writing a preview of this race so please do send me background on your campaign, head shot etc.

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Thanks for your excellent reporting, Laura. I am now an ex-pat Iowan, but I'm glad to have you, Bob Leonard, and Art Cullen to keep me up to speed.

I'm puzzled by your note about caucus turnout. NPR reported that turnout was higher than in 2020, despite the cold?

As someone raised in an evangelical home, steeped in James Dobson and Pat Robertson, and all the warnings about a charismatic anti-Christ signifying the end times, I remain baffled by the evangelical support for Trump. To be sure, there was a lot of "deep state" conspiracy thinking among 1980s and 1990s conservatives. But the standards for morality were uncompromising (and haunting). Maybe the hypocrisy will give young people in evangelical families the courage to call B.S. on abstinence-only sex education and other follies while the adults teaching those principles openly support a man with no moral principles whatsoever.

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Trump had no serious competition in 2020 so I don't see those GOP turnout numbers as significant.

I do think the evangelical community's embrace of Trump has discredited and will continue to discredit some churches and church teachings with young voters.

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Thank you, Laura.

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