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Thank you for all your excellent information and reporting, regarding Iowa-related political news!

However, as a former member of the Iowa Legislature, namely, the Iowa House, I want to comment upon one the recently announced "legislative priorities".

The Leadership of the Iowa House has, apparently, decided to make "legalizing recreational marijuana'" as one of their major "priorities.

In my view, such a priority only serves to undermine the political power and prestige of the entire Iowa Democratic Party, both in the 2024 General Elections, and, thereafter, going forward.

Further, in my view, such a "marijuana" priority, if actually realized through legislation, would be harmful to all Iowa children and families---by making "recreational marijuana" more accessible and available in Iowa schools and in Iowa homes.

The Leadership in the Iowa House has cited the "polls", as justification for its priority of "legalizing recreational marijuana". However, I would note, that the Iowa Republican Party has never set such a legislative priority; and that the Iowa Republican Party now firmly controls the Iowa House--and has done so, for years.

It might be helpful to the Leadership of the Iowa House to connect the following dots-----(1st dot) Iowa Republican Party never supported "legalizing recreational marijuana"....and... (2nd dot) Iowa Republican Party in control of Iowa House---for years.

There just might be a political lesson, for Iowa House Leadership, in connecting the above dots,

In any event, let the history of recent Iowa Politics---including, as indicated above, the history of Iowa Politics, as related to the Iowa House--provide empirical evidence, to answer to that question!

The decision of the Iowa House Leadership, in "setting "legalizing recreational marijuana", as a legislative priority, in my view, is harmful politically, to the entire Iowa Democratic Party--- in undermining, and weakening the "winnability" of all candidates of the Iowa Democratic Party; and harmful socially, to Iowa and all Iowans--- in making marijuana more accessible and available to Iowa children and families, both in Iowa schools and in Iowa homes.

I want the Iowa Democratic Party to win elections, again, over the Iowa Republican Party; and to begin, again, to offer Iowans a better future--- "A New, Better Iowa"--- than the Iowa Republican Party.

In my view, the Iowa Democratic Party, including, leadership in the Iowa House, needs to, again, offer legislative policy priorities based on traditional Iowa values---not "legalizing recreational marijuana"--the control of the Iowa Legislature, including, the Iowa House, lies in that "traditional Iowa values" direction!

As a lifelong Democrat, I am tired of losing elections in Iowa---and, in my view, to win elections, again, the Iowa Democratic Party needs to change its past election-losing policies---and needs to return to Iowa, and to Iowa values!

Richard Sherzan

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