Thanks, Laura. It is so frustrating being a constituent and watching legislation happen in Iowa. I can’t understand how we became a state who would elect people with no interest in science or history or truth. They have more interest in what I read and what bathroom I use than clean water or the education of our children. I am grateful for your focused and informed reporting.

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Thank you. It is exhausting to watch and think about what they could accomplish if they put all this misdirected energy toward something useful.

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I have donated over 23 gallons of plasma, platelets, and blood over the years (mostly plasma). I have had the pleasure of volunteering (yes, it’s a pleasure) and interacting with great Life Serve staff in Ames.

Plasma, platelets, and blood donations are for people whose lives are at risk. I don’t think this Senator has thought about how anti-life his proposal is for people with cancer, people with serious injuries, and newborn babies. All of these humans are struggling for life and need blood products.

This state senator is anti-life because he threatens the ability of the medical and health blood donation professions to serve people who have cancer or newborn babies.

Remember, blood products are really red and white and blue,

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Laura, your coverage of the stupidity of our legislature is truly a gift to those who care about Iowa’s wellbeing. I have found over the reign of the trifecta that my stress level is at its peak and am working hard to let others know how misguided this administration is. Unfortunately it usually falls on deaf ears.

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Laura is a gift.

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As a scientest and veterinarian, a life long Republican, who is on the backside of my seventy decade on this earth, I am flumuxed by the absurbed Iowa rightwing politicians who are hell bent for election (pun intended), to destroy public education and the environment. You have presented another example of a nit wit idea that for the sake of unanimity all lemmings in the Senate majority vote lock step because of fear of using their own gray matter. BTW, I am embarrased to say that I am a RHINO but will become a member of Will Rogers's famous party when I return to Iowa from my winter in Floriday next month.

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I began making myself aware of Iowa Politics in 2022 when my Mother passed away , an I became heir to the Farm in Oceola County that I grew up on. I have been living in Texas, where men only know how to express masculinity by exhibiting Greed and Cruelty.

It seems to me that Iowa politicians have a dose of self interested greed, but follow the National trend by focusing legislation on issues that are actually non issues. Iowa has real problems regarding soil loss, water pollution and over use, and corporate control of shaping Public Policy.

Beginning in 2024, I will be paying Iowa taxes. I grew up in Iowa when agriculture worked for the people. I have a university degree in Chemistry so I have a basis for my opinion.

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Many years ago. Maybe 30 years ago my mother was told that she got some blood from a negro man. She was so happy that she said she felt like she had better zip and could dance now with her new blood. She was at a Sioux City, Iowa Medical Center. She would have been around 75 years old. She died at age 79. She believed in immunizations and would always get a flu shot, etc. She felt her new blood made her live better. I am a nurse. I have never heard anything so ridiculous as this bill.

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Thanks for this. When I first started reading it, I had no idea that we were going to end up in “I don’t want vaccinated blood” territory—instead I was remembering an old episode of MASH about a patient who wanted to make sure he got blood from a white donor instead of a black one and feared we were headed there—but this is also pretty dumb. Wow.

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I hadn't looked at the lobbyist declarations before the debate, so I didn't realize the blood banks were against the bill. As I listened live to the discussion, I was trying to figure out what could justify this. I also didn't think about the vaccination angle.

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Feb 25, 2024
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That's a good question. I don't know whether it would be hard to enforce, though. Blood banks might be afraid about lawsuits from patients.

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