Do Iowans know or care about how incompetent the state government is currently? My dystopian series where the average local didn't care at all about corruption and oppression was on the mark. It was a satire but not so funny in real life.

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I don't think people know. Before this past week I don't think any other news media ever covered the state's extremely late financial reporting.

Initially in 2021 I was worried about it affecting Iowa's credit rating. That hasn't happened so far but this business with the US Department of Ed is a reminder that incompetence (even below the radar) can have consequences.

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Thx Laura! This should be a major issue next election season. Is anyone compiling a list of the instances of incompetence we’ve endured in the Reynolds administration?

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An important story, Laura. This is gross incompetence. I hope more media outlets pick up on your story. If Chet Culver or Tom Vilsack had been in charge when a mess like this happened, Branstad, Kaufman, et. al. would have been screaming from the rooftops, running TV ads, holding news conferences demanding answers. Where are Iowa Democrats? The silence is deafening.

Wasn’t it Kraig Paulson in charge of the Department of Revenue that made the property tax rollback mistake that cost Iowa cities and counties more than $100 million in anticipated revenue?

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Great reporting!

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Thanks for the deep dive once more, Laura. I cannot even imagine how hard it must be for the professional career employees of state government to watch all of this knowing that the blame will be dumped on them by the governor and the legislature who do little or nothing to support the important work they do. It seems both of those entities have failed to govern in the most basic ways. I wish I could claim to be surprised. Sadly, I am not. All of this fits their pattern of making the flow of government unworkable for the citizens who benefit from this work. I do wish voters would start to pay attention. I know people always say this is not who we are and I agree with that. But it is who we are becoming thanks to republican "leadership".

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