In your piece you said you still do not understand the new Democratic Caucus format. Here is some information that might help you.

Caucuses will be held on January 16. 2024, which is Martin Luther King, Jr Day. This holiday commemorates Dr. King and others’ work for civil rights and social justice. It is also a day when people are encouraged to volunteer to work on community service projects. It is most fitting that Democrats will be gathering that day to come together and have grassroots input into the political process. Please attend and help Dems build their party from the ground up!

The Iowa Democratic Caucuses are now more accessible than ever. In addition to the in person meeting, you will cast your Presidential preference by mail. First, you will need to request a Presidential Preference Card, be going now to https://iowademocrats.org/2024-caucus-2/ You will choose one of three ways to request your preference card- online, by mail, or call in. Online is preferred. The last day to request a card is February 19, 2024. Second, Preference Cards will be mailed out to Democrats who have requested them starting on January 12, 2024. Third, you fill in the preference card and return it by mail ASAP. Last day to be postmarked is March 1st. If you have any questions, call the helpline: (515) 216-3893.

Please consider attending the in person portion of the caucus on January 16th. As in other years, your input is important as we help build our party. You will be voting for members of the Central Committee from each precinct and delegates to the County Convention on March 23rd. You can also submit and discuss planks for the platform. Bring your ideas.

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Thanks. I do understand the format. Unfortunately I will not be able to attend in person on January 15, as it conflicts with my radio show.

What I meant was that some logistical questions have yet to be resolved. John Deeth explained those more thoroughly: https://www.bleedingheartland.com/2023/10/09/iowa-democratic-party-ends-months-of-denial-and-secrecy/

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