This is why it was a bad veto. The judges are needed but also if you’re playing politics Republicans could wind up coming out ahead by doing the same. This bill divides the judges over 10 years, so if Democrats won the next election they’d appoint at least 40 percent of the new judges.

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Even if he was worried Democrats would lose the next election, signing this bill gives a Democratic president a better chance of filling at least some of these positions. I have a bad feeling Biden just handed Trump 60+ new judgeships to fill.

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I am a lifelong Democrat; a former member of the Iowa Legislature; retired Administrative Law Judge, etc..

Before the 2024 General Election, in "Bleeding Heartland", I announced my belief, that the Democratic Party had "lost its way".

What President Biden has done, recently, through his judicial veto actions, described herein; and through his killer-pardons, has only strengthened my conviction.

In my view, Biden's actions serve only to further undermine American Democracy, by further undermining the American justice system!

In my view, the Democratic Party, that I support, would not have done, what Biden did!

Regarding the Biden-Harris Administration; and, also, regarding their recent, failed political campaigns--- to use a literary analogy--- I personally feel that the Democratic Party has traveled to Joseph Conrad's "Heart of Darkness".

Enough is enough!

Time for the Democratic Party to reject/end the above, Biden-Harriss political mess/misdirection.

Time for the Democratic Party to have a Leo Tolstoy "Resurrection"---with new leadership, new ideas, new vision, and new direction!

After all is said and done, Spring is still Spring---and, in my view, a political Spring for the Democratic Party is just around the Trump/Republican Party's wintry corner!---with the certain failure of their "America First" economic agenda!

Richard Sherzan

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It’s curious, but not surprising, that the Republicans did not advance this bill until they knew the next administration would not be Democratic.

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Thanks, Laura. This was completely off my radar. So discouraging.

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