As director of the Civil Rights Commission when the law was passed (and an advocate during its debate), I was also responsible for its implementation and application (though 2010). The only bathroom situation involved one student at one school, which was successfully mediated before any complaint was filed. I restacked this posting with my full letter.

Laura is correct in her analysis and description(and I have written Rep. Holt and others and alleged that anti-discrimination laws protect marginalized groups strengthen society by ensuring equal access to employment, housing, and services. When transgender Iowans live without discrimination, our state gains their full talents and contributions.

Rep. Holt's argument about removing gender identity protections due to inconsistency with other laws is flawed. Anti-harassment protections become more vital given recent legislation.

Contrary to what proponents state, federal protections aren't equivalent - they lack Iowa's public accommodation safeguards and harassment provisions. Additionally, federal agencies face capacity reductions, undermining timely and effective enforcement.le complaints quickly, effectively, and fairly.

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Excellent reporting

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