This informative , well-organized report is an excellent example of on-deadline news reporting. Obviously, a lot of advance planning and compilation was required to produce this meaningful result so quickly. Thanks for the fine work.

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Many thanks, David! I wasn't sure ahead of time how I would organize this piece, but it helped that there was such a clear trend across most of the large school districts.

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Thank you for this reporting. It gives me a bit of hope for the year before us if I extrapolate it to mean more sanity might take over in county and especially state offices.

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This is, by far, the best political news I've heard in Iowa since returning here 6 years ago!

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This makes me happy. Even though I don’t live in Iowa, many of my friends live there. Happy for their kids, too.

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Thanks, Laura. There are some very hopeful signs for progressives in these results.

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Excellent summary! Thank you, Laura!

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I agree credit must be given to union (ISEA) and progressives for results. Post-election analysis may reveal that in addition to GOTV /organizing efforts, voters just became tired of the antics and extreme positions of the book banners and their de-humanizing language of LGBTQ members. I know the Register in Sunday's paper also ran a column about how the progressives won in local elections. I ask that progressives and others not stand still, but take a critical look at election victories, while learning to replicate successful tactics. However, the Moms groups and others will also learn and adopt new tactics and messaging, the latter progressives have been deficient at state and national levels

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I am so happy to see the union and progressives in control of education again and that Reynolds no longer has her claws in conservative education taking us back to the '50's! Gives me the faith I have always had in Iowa education back. Now, if we can just lose Reynolds... Extremely well written summary, Laura, as always.

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