Thank you for another solid analysis. Regarding turnout, independent voters are within our reach. But this require compelling messaging. Moderate Democrats could relentlessly deliver emotionally charged attacks. This is the only way to move the margins of defeat or victory in ways that benefit Democrats.

Fundraising: Right now the best thing about Hart is her connection to the money. Of course. the big donors will need to know why they should keep donating to a state party that seems to be falling apart.

This brings me back to messaging. Hart’s intent to change Democrat’s messaging strategy was obviously music to my ears. However, it’s silly to believe that bringing in media strategists will be enough to solve Democrats voter communications problem. Media strategists are a special kind of shady. The only protection from being hustled is for the party to know absolutely what it needs and then find the firm(s) that can deliver. Simply asking media consultants for advise is to invite these consultants to shape their advise into something that fits their particular orientation and past practices. Despite these concerns, I’m pleased that someone is FINALLY willing to address the mostly pathetic media practices of contemporary Iowa Democrats.

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. . .bottom.line. Iowa Democrats must toss neo-liberal (Reagan-Clinton) economics (1975-2022).

And return now to strong FDR social-democratic policies for food/agriculture, workforce freedoms/standards, anti-monopoly action, taxation, public education . . .

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Wonderful explanation, Laura. Thank you very much.

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Thank you for reading!

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Top issues going forward, water, schools.

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I have seen no indication that Iowa Democrats plan to make the environment a major issue.

Schools, yes.

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