A great list ! Michelle Obama is simply amazing.

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She really was! Not that I didn't expect her to be good, but it was just perfect.

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Thank you, thank you, thank you for bringing the convention back to life for me! The week was wonderful, amazing speeches and you indeed picked the cream of a very talented crop!! Your ranking was spot on and so gracious of you to summarize the Top 10 and provide the videos! You're awesome!!!

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Great column. Thanks for including the video clips. I will send this around to family members—Dems and Republicans. I was watching to see how the party handled Gaza. Great heartfelt appearance be the Israeli hostage family. It needed to be balanced by a Palestinian American talking about the unjustifiable killing of civilians in Gaza.

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Thank you! I like to include video clips with a piece like this so readers don't have to hunt for it.

I completely agree, it was a mistake not to have a Palestinian American speaking at the convention.

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Thank you!

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RFK deflection is no loss and tRump 's transactional welcome is all smoke and mirrors. Top ten DNC moments is a worthwhile and comprehensive assessment. Tx

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The loss of even one (1) Democrat, from the Democratic Party, in my view, should be a matter of concern to all Democrats----

Indeed, the empirical evidence shows, that the so-called "RFK deflection"---is, in fact, a "loss"---a "loss" of one (1) Democrat to the Democratic Party, including, the Iowa Democratic Party----not counting the hundreds or thousands of Democrats, who may follow him, in the general election of 2024--in Iowa and other states!

I think, that what you are really saying, when you say, that the "RFK deflection is no loss"---is that what RFK stands for, is "no loss". If that is really what you mean, and I believe it is---in my view, that is another piece of "empirical evidence"---showing that the Democratic Party "has lost its way"!

Richard Sherzan

Richard Sherzan

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RFK's support has been dropping steadily, and there is no sign he hurts Harris more than he hurts Trump. That's my impression, anyway. He has gone down a lot of conspiracy rabbit holes so I am not sure there is anything "the Democratic Party" could have done to prevent that.

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Thank you for your reply.

The loss of RFK, in my view, represents a "weakening" of the Democratic Party, including, the Iowa Democratic Party, in the general elections of 2024---and going forward!

Yesterday, on TV, during his realignment speech, RFK said that, after he spoke with Trump over the phone, he attempted to call/with Kamala Harris--but she did would not answer his call. I can think of "something", that "the Democratic Party" could have done, to attempt to "prevent" his exist---for Kamala Harris to have answered that call, and to have spoken, respectfully, with him.

Richard Sherzan

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Great column. Did Fox News show any of these speeches? I doubt Trump supporters listened to any of them, but independents may have if they were broadcast on Fox.

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I didn't watch Fox News but my impression is they did show the top speeches each night (Hillary, Biden, the Obamas, Walz, Harris), followed by their commentary.

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“We will never benefit from the affirmative action of generational wealth.” Best line of the week imo

Wonder how it plays out on the farm tho?

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I hope you are following Jess Piper's Substack, she said she was seeing a lot of positive signs in Missouri farm country

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There's no way Walz doesn't help at least a little with rural voters. I think Scott was mostly joking--I doubt many farmers see themselves as beneficiaries of generational wealth.

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The Democratic Party, including, the Iowa Democratic Party, in my view, has lost its way!!! I offer the following empirical evidence, as Exhibit 1:

Regarding the Democratic Party, the exit of Robert Kennedy Jr. from the Democratic Party; and the subsequent treatment of him/his campaign by the Democratic Party and the Kamala Harris campaign.

Regarding the Iowa Democratic Party, the failure of the Iowa Democratic Party to include "the Economy", as one of its top issues, in the Iowa general election of 2024-----despite all the voter polls!

If Democrats want to know--- "how it all plays out on the farm?"--- as one commenter asks: Just look at the political condition of Iowa, today, in 2024----a mess--- the Iowa Republican Party has never had it so good!!!

I am a lifelong Democrat; and I am tired of all the lies and nonsense! I want to win elections, again! I want the Democratic Party, including, the Iowa Democratic Party, to find is "way", again--- to stop playing "identity politics", and to offer the people/children of Iowa and the United States---a better future, again!

Richard Sherzan

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Richard, with respect, I do not understand your comment. Democrats have certainly lost a lot of ground in Iowa over the past 15 years, largely because Democrats are doing worse with white voters who don't have a college degree. That trend isn't unique to Iowa, but it's had a greater effect here because most of our state's electorate consists of white voters without a college degree.

I haven't seen polls showing the economy is the number one issue for Iowa voters in 2024. I hear from Democratic candidates all over the state that threats to public education and health care access are top of mind, and that is what candidates are emphasizing.

I don't know how this November's elections in Iowa will go, but across the board Democrats are better positioned now than they were before Biden dropped out of the race.

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Thank you for your courteous reply and comments.

A. Regarding the Economy, as a one of the "top issues" among Iowa voters, I offer the following reply sources ( Google): (1) The Hill, 8/14/24-"Most voters in new poll say economy, immigration, most important issues in 2024"; (2) Pew Research Center, 2/29/24-"Americans' top policy priority for 2024, Strengthening the Economy"; (3) Iowa Capital Dispatch, 8/20/24--( Chicago Democratic Convention)--"Democrats trying to reverse election losses in rural America, urge focus on economy" ---

B. Regarding Iowa losses of "white voters who don't have a. college degree":---My view, issue is not social-racial, but "economic"--see the following (Google): (1) NY Times, 10/05/2021, "Democrats Lost the Most in Midwestern 'Factory Towns' Report Says"; (2) The New Republic, 6/28/22--"How Iowa Fell in Love With the Republican Party"----Bottom Line---losses result of Democratic Party failure to offer new economic agenda---to counter/win against Trump's "America First" economic agenda.

C. Regarding the current position of Democrats, including, in Iowa---Kamala Harris and Walz, in my view, are not progressive, but offer "more extreme" (more left of center) than Biden---therefore, in my view, Democratic Party voter position--narrowed, not widened---in Iowa and nationally---narrowing begins, with Harris and Walz addressing issues and outlining political positions.

Again, thanks for your courteous reply.


Richard Sherzan

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Richard, what you refer to as the “narrow” and more “extreme” views of Walz and Harris, I would describe as the sorely missing, more “focused” views that Democrats have not lifted up in recent years. These are the views that are sorely needed to provide the impetus necessary to win this election.

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Dear Ms. Karp---In my view, the following:

(1) Based on the Historical Record of Harris and Walz, their political positions are the left of center and left of Biden, along the political spectrum. I do not describe them as "Progressive"; but a "Retrogressive"/"Radicals"---who would move the Democratic Party/United States towards move economic decline, and more social division and polarization. They, like the Democratic Party, do not have any new, coherent, long-term, economic agenda, to counter/win against Trump's "America First" economic agenda.

(1) You argue, that Harris/Walz have more "more focused view". To my knowledge, Harris/Walz have yet to "explain their specific views, in detail, on any major issue facing the American people. So, in my view, your above argument is without "empirical evidence"; therefore, without a reasonable basis--"personally emotional basis", maybe, but not based on empirical facts.

(2) In my view, the Harris/Walz Campaign know that their real political position, on the major issues, is extremely left of center---"Radical" (positions held by a smaller, more "narrow" number of Americans, than, for example Biden)---therefore, they are not telling the American people or the Press--exactly and specifically, just what their political view/position really is---in other words, in my view, they are "hiding in the political basement", for a long as possible---to prevent the inevitable "narrowing" of their current political popularity and voter support.

(3) Historical analogy to 2024 General Election, in Iowa (in my view)--In recent years, the Iowa Democratic Party nominated a candidate for governor, who would not stand up in the Iowa Legislature, to show respect for Iowa police and law enforcement----(radical candidate)---and Democrats lost that election. In 2024, Harris/Walz represent a repeat of that Iowa election for governor---but, now, on a national scale. (radical candidates)---will lead to same result, in 2024, in Iowa, and United States.

I am a lifelong Democrat; but I will speak the truth, as I see the truth---life is too short, and the stakes too high-- for the people/children of Iowa, and United States--not to do so!

Richard Sherzan

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Mr. Sherzan, it appears that we agree to disagree.

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Ms. Karp---Best regards; I wish you well!

Richard Sherzan

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