Laura, I think this may be your most important column, even with your long history of important work. I cried as I read and listened. I have never been so disheartened to be an Iowan, or so ashamed of the cowardice and cruelty of those in our legislature willing to put forward this hate. Thank you for being present, and sharing your presence with those of us who couldn’t be there that day. I couldn’t be more grateful.

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Thank you for making these testimonies available. I hope that transgender people know that many of their fellow Iowans support them, and will fight to help them regain their rights.

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Thank you Laura. Vital testimony for the record, the history that we wish Iowans were not making….

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Thanks for bringing this coverage to us. We all need to hear it.

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Thank you for covering these incredibly difficult and heartbreaking conversations and stories.

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As I read this, the "why" suddenly became very clear. The insurance industry owns the legislators who pushed this bill through. Cost savings to deny claims for necessary medical care. It's about the money, right up to the Grifter In Chief. But it stirs up the ignorant base to say it's about something else, and because those folks can't think for themselves, it is impossible to reason with them. "Separate but equal" was the same thing they said about "Whites Only" back in the day. Wrong then, and wrong now. We certainly don't hear the phrase "campaign finance reform" anymore, do we? That's the only way I can think of to fight back.

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Too bad this federal judge wasn’t able to educate our Iowa legislators for a bit, assuming they would care to open their minds….


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Great work Laura!

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Again, good work that is done well. Thank you, Laura.

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