Reynolds is dead wrong comparing the Trump indictment to Biden’s documents. First of all, DOJ has appointed a special counsel to investigate Biden. That investigation is not complete so any comparison is inappropriate at this time.

Secondly the Washington Post makes clear today that Trump was NOT indicted for any documents he returned in the first batch. He’s only in trouble because he willingly withheld documents for more than a year. This is all his own fault. He could have avoided this by simply cooperating and returning the documents, as both Biden and Pence have done. Pence is not being charged and Biden should not be either.

The governor should read this story and then try again to convince us of Trump’s innocence.


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I guess if it comes out of Kim Reynold’s mouth I shouldn’t be surprised. Complete denial and re-framing of of the grand jury’s charges continues her as nothing more than a Trump mouthpiece. Kim Reynolds will do Trump’s bidding until his ship goes down in flames. It will be interesting to see where her career goes when she’s lapping from the gates of Hell with Trump at her side. The rest of the GOP have bailed… Trump, Christie, Pence, and Scott to start. Kim is going to try to hitch a ticket with Trump. Ugly indeed.

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Another example of Covid Kim’s shameless lack of intellectual and personal integrity--not that that matters to MAGA lunatics. 2026 can’t come soon enough to rid Terrace Hill of this democracy-hating bootlicker.

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I don't believe she would have said those things if she knew what was in the indictment. I believe the so-called "Trump base" will shrink. I think Mike Pence will be rewarded by thinking republicans for his post coup public face. Who knows what he really thinks. I know that in Indiana I saw very few pro Trump signs after his people sought to kill Mike Pence their former governor. In Iowa--it is different. I don't understand why.

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I think the point is that she doesn't want to know what's in the indictment. That's why she issued this statement without having read the indictment.

More broadly, Kim Reynolds never wants to know about any possible criminal behavior involving Trump.


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The column reads as a multi-count indictment of Reynold’s comments. I support Belin’s efforts to contrast Trump’s actions with Biden’s handling of documents. The D party should also be emphasizing its’ like comparing apples and oranges. Drawing these contrasts are critical as more R leaders are adopting the same weaponization language and using “Whataboutisms” type-arguments bringing up Clinton and Biden.

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Long ago, in a universe far, far away... Iowa Republicans used to possess some small measure of decency, honesty and integrity. Those days are gone. Might as well be searching for a stagecoach repair shop as a common sense Republicon. Trapped in an alternate Matrix, the majority of their comments border on the absurd. With their party in utter disarray, they scurry about, rearranging the deck chairs on the Trump Titanic whilst imploring the band to perform one last rendition of "Play it Again Sam." Truly sad. And pathetic. However I do agree with Covid Kimmie in one respect: 2024 can't come soon enough. Battling other Republicans to reach the bottom of the barrel they would do well to heed one particularly bit of advice: When you're in a hole... quit digging.

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I was not surprised by the continued blind following of Donald Trump by Kim Reynolds and Charles Grassley but I was truly saddened that they took this stance to support him in light of the true evidence. The sad day in America is that these two plus other Republicans refuse to see the truth about Trump and it is the Republicans who put our country at risk because they put the party above the country. I am ashamed of them and those who support Trump.

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Thank you for this cogent analysis. Party over country, Trump over democracy, donors over all of us. Reynolds continues to disappoint.

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Reynolds is keeping her options open. She'll hitch her wagon to whomever comes out on top. But I continue to believe she's behind the eager endorsement of DeSantis by so many R leaders in the Iowa legislature. She's got most of her party (and, sadly, most of our state government) by the proverbial balls at this point.

The fact that her statement on trump's indictment is full of falsehood and misdirection should go without saying, but it should be pointed out that her rhetoric assumes Iowans aren't sharp enough to remember that US schools & businesses closed in March of 2020 - when trump was president - and reopened under the Biden administration. The "long-lasting impacts" of a global pandemic began with trump's ineptitude and trump's lies.

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I honestly don't believe Reynolds gives a whit about whether or not the indictment is legitimate. It seems she has already baptized herself in the mold of what Republican voters have been groomed to want: A major warrior in the battle against "those people." It's a big category including public school teachers, librarians, all progressives, anyone within the LGBTQ community, Pelosi, and of course Joe Biden. The indictment, no matter serious it actually is, just adds weaponry for prominent Republicans to elevate themselves into the national spotlight and 2024 and beyond, which is what Reynolds is mostly concerned about. But she also is being the loyal soldier in the GOP's specific comms strategy to call it the "weaponizaton of the DOJ." As the old saying goes, "Throw enough shit on the wall, and some of it will stick." And after seeing some polling results on this morning's Sunday TV talk circuit, it appears to be working quite well.

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I’m not sure that she is “choosing sides,” as a number of Trump’s primary opponents are saying the same stuff. I think she is pandering to the base to burnish her credentials as a potential running mate, whether for Trump or someone else. Gross, sure, but explainable as cold opportunism.

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That may be true. I don't know whether she secretly prefers other candidates to Trump. Maybe as you speculate, she is just pandering to the base.

Either way, this is not a neutral statement or posture. She could have said something vague like "everyone should keep an open mind as the case proceeds." To denounce the prosecution as illegitimate without even considering the substance of the charges is a position that can only help Trump. Not the other candidates.

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Kim Reynolds is a Trump puppet. Assuming she was going to get a cushy appointment somewhere so she stuck to his hairspray - her sense of truth is so far from truth it’s sad she’s still leading Iowa. She went straight to supporting Trump without doing her homework, which a smart ethical & honorable leader would have done.

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Thank you..

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Senator Grassley acts like he is clueless about his former leader. Could he be that out of it. The chair of the Judiciary committee does not know what is in the Trump indictment. That was one of his worst moments. Why is the Iowa delegation so into Trump? Is is all the federal subsidies for farmers, chemical companies, ethanol and pipelines? I guess. If the feds stop pumping money in to farm subsidies and tax breaks where would the Iowa economy be. 98% of us are not farmers. However, I think, we all benefit from massive subsidies for everything ag. If that system fell. Kids could buy land and farm in Iowa. And, grow people food! We import our food in Iowa! I think over 80% . Really!

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