Regarding "editorial freedom"--- and the use of language by Politicians!
The life of American Democracy, in my view, depends upon the exercise of freedom, integrity, and courage, by individuals, in five (5) branches or institutions in American society---executive, legislative, judicial of government; and press; and people.
The battles for a better American Democracy; and the battles for a better American society--- will not be achieved, through the efforts of mere "cotton candy soldiers"!
Thank you, for your continuing "editorial freedom"-efforts, towards keeping the above "press branch" emerald--a bright green!
Regarding the use of language by Politicians, I offer the following quote, for consideration: "But if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought".
George Orwell, "Politics and the English Language".
Joshua ignores the fact that failure to support Ukraine will cause one or more of his children to be drafted when NATO can't handle the onslaught of Russia into other NATO Countries after Ukraine falls. The USA has always been late to the 'party' when a World War is erupting and Joni and Chuck are trying to stave off our involvement. To be fair, that's the only positions of theirs I approve. I fear that our incoming President is compromised by Putin and will cut off Ukraine while continuing to support Isreal.
Unless things change (and they often do, right?), the only thing that will damage Ernst's chances for renomination will be if Don John turns thumbs down on her. And that would require her openly defying him which ain't gonna happen. Remember her reversal on Hegseth, a manifestly unfit person to head the Defense Department?
Is this the primary challenge Ernst feared when she voted for the sexual predator Hegseth? If it was, that really was a spineless vote.
On the issue of support for Israel though, this guy is hardly the articulate spokesperson, but our support for Israel's war crimes, genocide and the mass killing and starvation of children was and is disgraceful. What Trump is proposing for Gaza is shear insanity. Israel river to sea isn't the answer, but that's what happened. that where we are with political messaging in the Trump era? I must have really been off-kilter in ' only an 'elitist' (ha!) would be. Seems some salty sailor talk would better work for Iowans?
To All Iowa Democrats!!! Recommended Listening/Reading----To Win/Lead Again!
Please listen to the following NY Times "The Daily" podcast interview recording, through Google:
"How NAFTA Broke American Politics", Oct. 8, 2024. (Interview by Michael Barbaro of the below Dan Kaufman)
See Also, NY Times article, with same above title: "How NAFTA Broke American Politics", by Dan Kaufman Published Sept. 3, 2024, updated Sept. 6, 2024---through Google.
Whoa. What have we come to? Thanks for reporting this story, Laura.
It's Trump's world, we are all just living in it.
Regarding "editorial freedom"--- and the use of language by Politicians!
The life of American Democracy, in my view, depends upon the exercise of freedom, integrity, and courage, by individuals, in five (5) branches or institutions in American society---executive, legislative, judicial of government; and press; and people.
The battles for a better American Democracy; and the battles for a better American society--- will not be achieved, through the efforts of mere "cotton candy soldiers"!
Thank you, for your continuing "editorial freedom"-efforts, towards keeping the above "press branch" emerald--a bright green!
Regarding the use of language by Politicians, I offer the following quote, for consideration: "But if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought".
George Orwell, "Politics and the English Language".
Richard Sherzan
Thank you for reading, Richard.
Joshua ignores the fact that failure to support Ukraine will cause one or more of his children to be drafted when NATO can't handle the onslaught of Russia into other NATO Countries after Ukraine falls. The USA has always been late to the 'party' when a World War is erupting and Joni and Chuck are trying to stave off our involvement. To be fair, that's the only positions of theirs I approve. I fear that our incoming President is compromised by Putin and will cut off Ukraine while continuing to support Isreal.
Fair point. I would guess he wants to pull the US out of NATO.
Unless things change (and they often do, right?), the only thing that will damage Ernst's chances for renomination will be if Don John turns thumbs down on her. And that would require her openly defying him which ain't gonna happen. Remember her reversal on Hegseth, a manifestly unfit person to head the Defense Department?
I agree. That's why she will vote yes on every Trump nominee, and why she is sucking up to DOGE.
Thanks for sharing Laura. I wouldn't have seen since I don't follow social media - too hard to know where the information is coming from.
My thought is - where is Smith's respect and ethics? Not even mentioning morals. Sad that our elections have come to this.
It's Donald Trump's party now. No need to show respect for anyone.
But I don't think he can win a GOP primary with this approach.
I'm sure you're aware of the President-Elect's lack of the same.
Smith is just playing Follow The Misleader.
Lots of hot, angry air by Smith. We shall see. My first impression is, nope not the candidate for me.
We're not the intended audience, that's for sure.
Is this the primary challenge Ernst feared when she voted for the sexual predator Hegseth? If it was, that really was a spineless vote.
On the issue of support for Israel though, this guy is hardly the articulate spokesperson, but our support for Israel's war crimes, genocide and the mass killing and starvation of children was and is disgraceful. What Trump is proposing for Gaza is shear insanity. Israel river to sea isn't the answer, but that's what happened. that where we are with political messaging in the Trump era? I must have really been off-kilter in ' only an 'elitist' (ha!) would be. Seems some salty sailor talk would better work for Iowans?
OMG...My mother would be so aghast.
To All Iowa Democrats!!! Recommended Listening/Reading----To Win/Lead Again!
Please listen to the following NY Times "The Daily" podcast interview recording, through Google:
"How NAFTA Broke American Politics", Oct. 8, 2024. (Interview by Michael Barbaro of the below Dan Kaufman)
See Also, NY Times article, with same above title: "How NAFTA Broke American Politics", by Dan Kaufman Published Sept. 3, 2024, updated Sept. 6, 2024---through Google.
Richard Sherzan
Joshua Smith is an example of what might save us: The Republican hate each other more than they hate us.
A loud minority of Republicans hate other Republicans more than they hate Democrats. But there are not enough of them to win a statewide primary.