What a depressing diatribe. If you don’t have any policies or actual facts, just make up scenarios you hope will scare people, hoping the louder you yell, the more your point will get across. Of course, there is no point.

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What the heck happened to Iowa, and even its Republicans? Whither Robert Ray?

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WOW! Thanks for sharing the reality of Republican politics!

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The guy is corrupted in his thinking and a grand example of why the GOP should drop the G in their name.

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Jeff has gone off the rails! I once knew Jeff when he was still teaching at Muscatine Community College and as such was a small"r" Republican, just enough to satisfy his Cedar County, always have been and always will be , Republican constituency. Still, he was able to workout disagreements without yelling and bad mouthing people, something he gets to do now, since he has managed to fill the wind bag position of whipping up support for probably the biggest facist we have ever seen actually make it to the white house. Trouble is Trump has the balls to try again with over 90 federal charges against him! Jeff obviously doesn't care if he offends "a few soccer Mom's", but that must include every supporter of a woman's right to chose for themselves if an abortion is right for them! Giving any credit to Steve Bradley for possibly the worst representation of Jones County, doesn't justify his bitching about someone who switched parties who actually listened to constituents and wasn't funded by the Koch Brothers who channeled their agenda straight away through Bradley! The district lines have changed now, and most of Cascade is left out, that subtracts a goodly number of voters Bradley had in his back pocket as a Dentist in Cascade. So the possibility is good that the Democrats in Jackson and Jones County could put McKean on the win side of the vote. Every new Democrat in the House will make it tougher for the Republican's to screw with our public schools, womens right to chose, and the tax base we need to keep government running without having contractors taking over! I don't need to shout, support for McKean is critical and neccessary, even many Republicans know that!

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When I first started following the legislature more closely in the late 2000s, several Democrats told me Kaufmann was one of the more reasonable Republicans, easy to work with. I believed it then but it's hard to believe now.

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Women must have been faking it for years with this yucky guy.

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Kaufmann was once a fairly reasonable guy, who would never have shouted at others like he apparently did at the Jones County Republican get together. What was the Kaufmann of old has converted himself into a Trumpanzee that espouses views that even some Republicans find difficult to swallow. Jeff gets disapointed in his own brethren and thinks shouting at them as if they were children that need to be rebuked for mis-behaving becomes his latest ploy to get the party to back Trump. Trump is the nominee to run for the party, it is a done deal! Straight Party all the way or you are going to get a talking too! Down ticket he may surely get surprised this year, and hopefully his predictions for President turn out wrong, simply because people are finally figuring out that man is simply to full of himself to be president, and shouldn't have gotten elected the first time!

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It always irks me when people in the GOP say we don't have to like him. Well, the president has to work with leaders around the world using diplomacy NOT put downs and insults.

It also makes me laugh when they say Iowa is going down the drain because of the Democrats, when it is the Reps that are in the majority right now. They are the ones pulling us down. I still have hope that Iowa will turn to Biden this time around.

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"Switching to his sarcastic voice" haha. So this is the Kaufman they mentioned in my Drinking Liberally weekly get-together. This is an interesting peek into his psyche. Scary but thanks.

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For the state party leader who professes to be a "mainline" Republican, he sounds like the lunatic fringe that has swallowed up the GOP lock, stock and barrel.

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Kaufmann has truly sold his soul to Donald trump. I hope for his eternal sake he wakes up and takes it back before he dies. What a sorry case.

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That's very kind of you; Christian, actually, but Kaufmann only believes in a Higher Power to the extent he can use it to enrich himself and other leaders in his Party.

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