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Why do any citizens of Iowa & the USA support Donald Trump? In light of his indictments in which there is documentation of his fraud & his attempt to change a legitimate election, his encouragement of an insurrection to his supporters, to his disdain for veterans & women, the lies from his own mouth that are proven through video of him speaking, his inability to be respectful let alone respected, his grade school bullying personality of name calling which is such a poor representation of the presidential position ….why does anyone with a shred of patriotism, common sense or a brain support him? Our country is divided because of him / racism & hate have come out of the dark corners because he made it okay - I don’t understand- with all the quality people in the USA, why is it we are stuck with one democrat & one republican to lead our country? The republicans are no longer what they represented years ago because of them supporting Trump …. How can they put party above our country - why do they support such a moron who’s only interested in his own ego - don’t they see it or are they afraid of him? What is wrong with our country? I’m not supporting democrats or Pres Biden either but what has happened to our sense of being United, protecting & caring for our citizens, caring for our country and supporting the Constitution. Trumps latest is he didn’t say he would support our constitution- what twisting of words - who can’t see that BS? It’s a sad time we are living in / I don’t want to see Dictator Trump who wouldn’t know truth if it was in granite in front of him leading out country again - he failed to lead the first time - we dodged a bullet - let’s not let it happen again - he is truly poison to our country - I’d rather have an Independent run for the presidency - our country is way off track…and if we don’t get back on track we are sitting ducks…

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